Padamu kasihku ibu
(my love for you mother)
Tak kan pernah terbatas waktu
(will not be limited by time)
Engkau hanya memberi
(you only give)
Dan takkan pernah harap kembali
(and will never hope a return)
Oh bunda kaulah pelita
(oh mother, you are the light)
Yang selalu bersinar didalam sukma
(which always shines in the soul)
Bunda kau segalanya
(mother, you are everything)
Lihat Juga
(you're the body and soul engraver)
Reff :
Bunda bagaikan surya
(mother is like the sun)
Yang setia selalu menyinari dunia
(which always faithfully illuminates the world)
Sebesar gunung dan kasih sayangmu
(as big as the mountains and your love)
Seluas samudra ketulusanmu
(as wide as the ocean, your sincerity)
Kau curahkan rasa cinta
(you pour out your love)
Yang sampai akhir masa
(until the end of time)
Kan ku ingat pengorbananmu bunda
(I will remember your sacrifice, mother)