Sekuntum bunga mawar
Senampan putih melati
Seikat kembang kenanga
Tanda cinta kami
Meski cintamu kepada kami selebar bumi
Kutahu cintamu kepada kami seluas langit
Asap wangi membumbung tinggi
Lantunan kasidah air mata
Rebana membahana
Tanda rindu kami
Kedua tanganmu terbuka menanti kami
Senyum di wajahmu abadi lautan rindu
Telah kuhabiskan semua kata
Telah kunyanyikan semua nada
Telah kugoreskan semua warna
Laksana sebutir debu di semesta
Ibarat setetes air di samudera
Engkaulah cinta engkaulah cahaya segalanya
Engkaulah rindu engkaulah cahaya semuanya
An ode to the prophet muhammad
K.H. Muhammad fuad riyadi
A rose
A tray of white jasmine
A bunch of ylang flower
The sign of our love
Though your love for us as wide as the earth
I know your love for us as vast as the sky
Fragrant smoke was soaring
A splash chant of tears
A tambourine was blaring
A sign of our yearning
Both your hands are open waiting for us
The smile on your face as immortal longing sea
I've spent all the words
I've singed all the tones
I've scratched all the colors
Like a dust in the universe
Like a drop of water in the ocean
You are the love you are the light of everything
You are the desire you are the light of all