Lirik Lagu Aina Abdul - Maybe / Kelip2

Lirik Lagu Maybe/Kelip2 by Aina Abdul

Masih pedih rasa itu
Kau biarkan ku menunggu
Apakah aku buta
Tak bisa tuk membaca

It still hurts
You keep me waiting
Am I blind?
Unable to read

Hatimu, ku yakin pasti kau merasa
Sesuatu dalam hatimu

Your heart, I’m sure you feel
Something in your heart

Berikan ku jawaban itu
Apa kau perlu aku
Seperti aku perlukanmu

Give me the answer
Do you need me
Like I need you

Jeritlah nama ku sekuat hatimu
Kerna hanya suaramu
Yang mampu hidupkan hatiku

Scream my name over your heart
Because only our voice
Can make my heart live

Masih kelirukah kamu
Ceriamu tak menentu
Tinggikah harapanku
Menjalin cintamu

Are you still confused?
Your happiness is uncertain
Is my hope high?
To have your love

Oh baby
Ku yakin pasti kau merasa
Sesuatu dalam hatimu oh

Oh baby
I’m sure you feel
Something in your heart oh

Berikan ku jawaban itu
Apa kau perlu aku
Seperti aku perlukanmu

Give me the answer
Do you need me
Like I need you

Jeritlah nama ku sekuat hatimu
Kerna hanya suaramu
Yang mampu hidupkan hatiku

Scream my name over your heart
Because only our voice
Can make my heart live

Maybe hanya aku yang menyangka
Pasti ada jalan tuk kita berdua

Maybe I’m the only who thought
There was still a way for the two of us

Don’t let me down baby
Just maybe apa itu cinta
Yang kau rasa

Just maybe that was love
That you felt

Apa lagi kau mahu lagi
Biar aku begini
Dah berkali kau buat lagi
Menduakanku omg

What more do you want?
Just let me be
You’ve done it many times
Cheated on me omg

Dibelakang ku kau menggila
Dihadapan ku kau setia
Takkan aku kembali seperti dulu

You act crazy behind me
And you act loyal in front of me
I will not return as before

Twinkle twinkle
Oh oh oh
Oh oh oh

Twinkle twinkle
Oh oh oh
Oh oh oh

Twinkle twinkle little star
How I wonder what you are
Up above the world so high
Like a diamond in the sky

Kamu permainkan kesetiaan ku
Janji-janjimu bukan sekali
Tapi dua kali ku tertipu

You’ve played with my loyalty
Your promises I was deceived
Not once but twice

Puas ku menangis
Aku tak perlu cintamu

I’ve cried enough
I don’t need your love

Twinkle twinkle little star
Oh oh oh
Oh oh oh

Twinkle twinkle
Oh oh oh
Oh oh oh

Twinkle-twinkle little star
How I wonder what you are
(how I wonder what you are)
Up above the world so high
Like a diamond in the sky

LyricsUpdate Lirik Lagu terbaru dan populer saat ini, dengan berbagai genre diantaranya Dangdut, Koplo, Pop, Indo, Slowrock, KPop, dll. Lagu lagu dari berbagai adat dan suku daerah Indonesia (Aceh, Bali, Batak, Karo, Dayak, Jawa, Minang, Melayu, Osing Banyuwangi, Sunda, Tarling, dsb) hingga manca negara.